Monday, December 22, 2014

An Early Christmas Present?

That's right! I got an early Christmas present from my boyfriend and it just so happened to be my Licca doll.

As soon as I saw her I knew instantly that I had fallen in love with these dolls. They have such adorable, sweet faces and so much personality. Not to mention their hair is incredibly soft. I have never felt another fashion doll with hair like her's. Not even my Rapunzel Animator Doll who has gorgeous hair as well.

My only problem, which isn't even that bad, is Licca's original body. Although her legs bend extremely well and her hips allow her to, almost, touch her chest to her knees. Her feet prevent her from standing up on her own and the only way I can balance her is by using a doll stand. I have found that the Monster High doll stands fit her perfectly!

I will definitely be replacing her body with an Azone Pure Neemo Flection S sized body as soon as possible. Not only will this allow her to stand up on her own, but it will also allow her to have a greater range of motion. It is also an added bonus that the Azone bodies are incredibly adorable. Because the Azone S sized body is the almost the exact same shape as Licca and Blythe bodies, she will still be able to fit into their clothes. This was very important to me when I considered buying another body, because I didn't want to restrict the amount of clothes she could wear.

Here is the video I made on my new girl in case you would like to see some of her movement.

Thank you for reading!!

Friday, November 21, 2014

The World of My Kumabolo and Licca Hybrid

Ever since I set my eyes on what a Licca/Azone hybrid looked like I have been obsessed. With this obsession has come an overflow of ideas and stories for my girl, whom I can not wait to receive.

This has become even worse now that I have worked one of my possible Christmas presents into the mix! There are too many ideas brewing in my mind and unfortunately I can't bring everything together in one day. Especially since I do not have any money.

Today I am just going to be writing about some of my ideas for the world that I am creating for my Kumabolo and Licca hybrid. I am not sure if these will be random little facts or paragraphs, but I will try to make it reasonably organized.

I have taken a lot of inspiration from my childhood, where I spent many hours looking over Beatrix Potter's amazing artwork. Since I was little I have adored the idea of animals being able to walk and talk just like humans. I loved to imagine communities full of animals and humans living together.

So this is where my story begins. My Licca hybrid's world is a world where animals are relatively the same size as humans and can talk. For example, a mouse or hedgehog can grow as big as an average human as well as being able to walk on two feet. I would like for their bodies to be similar to humans, as in arms and legs, but still maintain their original features, such as talons, tails, paws, and such. I am choosing to keep fish and other sea creatures out of my story, however I suppose that it could be fairly similar under the water. Thankfully my story does not take place near the beach.

This is a perfect example of the style that I am going for. The toad's only human characteristic is his body, however he still maintains a toad's normal feet and hands. One of my favorite photographers, Hurry Up Miss Jane has some adorable examples of how the animals in my world will look.

Now for the setting of my story. I would love for it to be set in Ireland where there are many open fields but also a very large forest and a lake nearby. I have not tried to illustrate the town yet but I might try eventually. Right now I am thinking that it will be a small town filled with many shops, but also a few houses scattered about, possibly cobble stoned walkways.

My Licca's house however will be located in a dense forest not far from town. In my mind I am picturing an adorable little cottage covered in vines, with a small but wild garden in the back.

Right now I am picturing a very colorful house full of many curiosities. I would love for my Licca and her sister to have a bunk bed. Her sister's bunk bed being full of many handmade stuffed animals. While Licca hybrid's is more well kept and always made.

The colors that are standing out the most when I picture their home are pink and green of all shades. I think their bunk bed will probably be light green and the dining table will be red. I can't wait to see this come together because right now it seems like a jumbled mess!

I can't think of an exact time period that my story is set, however I am certain that it is not present day. It is before any modern technology, so there won't be any televisions or radios for my characters. However they will have stoves and possibly refrigerators, maybe an ice box if I can find one.

(Photo by FeltingDreams)

This world is one where magic is completely normal and accepted. However there can be bad magic, although it has never been seen in the tiny town where my characters live. Magic comes in all forms, where some people might be exceptionally good at brewing potions others might be well at casting spells. Some people can control all elements, while others might only be able to control only a few, such as the ability to grow flowers or make it rain for a short time. Unfortunately there are some people without magical abilities, however these people are usually extremely gifted in other areas, such as cooking, tailoring, or building.

I have not discovered which powers my characters will have and I might wait to share that information until they have arrived.

I am still not entirely sure about how my characters will dress. But I am leaning more towards cloaks and dresses, similar to those found in the 1993 version of The Secret Garden. I am not entirely sure yet, but I have been putting together outfits that I would like to buy for my characters on Etsy.

Well, that seems to be all I can think of right now, surprisingly. I may post some more tomorrow or as I come up with more information. Thank you for reading!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Kumabolo Doll Ideas

One of the presents I asked for for Christmas is a Petworks Kumabolo doll. Kumabolo is an adorable little bear with an adorable expression and cute ears. I asked for the gray Kumabolo with a super cute outfit, pictured below. *Unfortunately she does not come with the outfit!*

 I really hope I get her because I am planning on incorporating her into my Licca hybrid's story. I left a few hints in my post yesterday but hopefully nothing too obvious. I think that she will be a fun addition to the story I am planning. Not to mention she is absolutely adorable!

I even drew her next to my Licca hybrid drawing from yesterday. They look so cute next to each other and I can't wait to see them in person!

Now I am doing the same procedure as yesterday as far as organizing my ideas, however some of the questions are a bit different.

Possible Names:

  • Honey
  • Apple
  • Bee
  • Blossom
  • Bumble
They share many possible names but I can't have two dolls with the same name so I must make up my mind eventually!!

What’s a weird habit of yours?: Whenever I am writing in school I can't help but tap my pencil on the desk to a tune, is that weird?

Do you have any phobias?: I don't know if it is a true phobia, but I cannot stand getting fleas! I always make sure I bathe really well to keep them off me!

What’s one of your biggest pet peeves?: When people scrape their silverware on their plates. It is such an awful noise!

What side of the bed do you sleep on?: Before my sister and I bought a bunk bed I slept on the right side.

What was your first stuffed animal & it’s name?: My first stuffed animal was a cute little bee that I actually named after myself!

Which way do you face in the shower?: My sister and I do not have a shower, we have an antique porcelain tub.

What’s your favorite food?: I love blueberries and honey soaked bagels!

Summer or winter?: I love summer! I love all the colorful flowers and the sunshine. It is also a great time for swimming and exploring the woods!

What are your hobbies?: I really love making brooms for people to use. However, I also really love working in my scrapbook, drawing pictures, and sewing clothes for my sister and I.

Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?: My sister! She is my very best friend.

I am so happy that I am finally able to build a world I have been dreaming of since I was young. I am very excited to create these dolls and all of their adventures!

Tomorrow I am planning on talking a little bit about their world, since I have already begun to introduce the main characters!

Thank you for reading!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Licca/Azone Hybrid Story Ideas

Because I have so many ideas brewing in my mind for my Licca/Azone hybrid I have decided to organize some of the ideas I have come up with to help me remember all of them!

I drew this adorable picture of her to get a sense of the style that I am planning for her. I am not entirely sure if it will be modern or more ancient. I definitely want it to consist of lots of earthy tones, such as brown and green.

Possible Names: 

  • Bee
  • Bellvie
  • Clover
  • Eling
  • Ginger
I am sure that I will have many more possible names for her but these are a few of my favorites right now!

I am writing the answers to these questions from my character's perspective.

What was your favourite subject(s) at school?: Astronomy and Alchemy

What is your favourite drink?: Cranberry juice

What is your favourite genre of music and favorite song?: My favorite genre is classical, but I am also fond of folk music. I could never chose a favorite!

What is your favourite food?: I really enjoy berries and almost anything grown in a garden.

What is the last thing you bought?: I bought some parchment and jars from the local general store.

Favourite book of all time?: My book on astronomy is one of my favorites because of all the pictures. But, my guide to different flowers is very pretty, too.

Favourite Colour?: Orange and Forest Green

Do you have any pets?: No, but I would really like to befriend an elk one day!

Favourite Animal?: I have many animal friends, but elks are really cute and funny creatures. Squirrels and mice are very kind as well.

Favourite Holiday?: Yule is a very fun holiday!

Are you married, if not do you plan to?: No I am not and no I do not.

Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times?: No, but I have heard about others places and they seem interesting.

Do you speak any other language?: Not yet, but I am trying to learn German so that I can better communicate with the old bear that lives in the forest.

How many siblings do you have?: I have a sister, she was adopted when we were both young.

Are you jealous of them?: No, my sister and I get along really well. Although if I could steal her ears I would!

What is your favourite shop?: I love to go to the general store because there are many different things to buy, but I also enjoy the bookstore because of how big it is.

Favourite restaurant?: I don't go out to eat much, but there is a very yummy restaurant in town that has the best stew.

When was the last time you cried?: When I accidentally dropped a stack of books on my toe. It swelled up really big for a few days.

How tall are you?: I am not sure, I am very short though and my doctor says I am done growing.

Can you cook?: Yes, but I eat a lot of my food raw so there is no need to cook it.

How old are you?: I am about to be fifteen years old.

What is your earliest memory?: The first time my mom used a spell to clean up my bedroom, it was amazing!

What is your favorite vegetable?: Carrots are very yummy!

Do you remember your first day at school?: Yes, I was very embarrassed and the day went worse and worse.

What is the worst exam result you remember ever getting?: I try not to make bad grades in school. The worst grade I have received was a 75% in algebra.

Can you swim?: Yes, I like to swim a lot. The cool water in the lake is very refreshing.

Who is your favorite historical figure?: I am not sure, I look up to entirely too many amazing philosophers and astronomers.

Who is your favorite mythological god or goddess?: Artemis, she is so interesting.

If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?: I would like to travel to Africa to meet all of the interesting people and learn the culture. It is so different from my own.

Have you ever ridden on a train without paying?: In school we took a field trip to the next town over and we were not required to pay, so yes.

Where is your favorite place in the world?: My little house in the woods that I share with my sister! We have it decorated so lovely and it is surrounded by so many trees.

What is your favorite way to travel?: I love when my sister takes me for rides on her broom, I wish I had my own.

What is your least favorite way to travel?: Although trains can be fun to ride on, they are awfully noisy and crowded sometimes.

What was the last song you listened to?: My sister has been humming an old folk tale for a few days now, other than that I haven't been listening to much music.

What was the last meal you ate?: Some pumpkin bread and apple slices that my sister and I made last night.

Was it any good?: Yes, it was delicious.

Do you believe in God/Goddess/Gods/Goddesses?: Of course!

Do you believe in reincarnation?: Yes, although I wish there was a way to tell for sure!

Doll Plans

I have been making plans for some time to create my own hybrid Azone doll. For those that don't know, Azones are quite expensive little dolls. I know that I will not be able to afford one for quite some time and there are also plenty of other dolls that I would like to get.

For instance I have really wanted a Licca doll for some time now. However it never occurred to me that I could make a Licca/Azone hybrid. Using Licca's adorable face and a cute little Azone body. As soon as I saw Bumble Bee Love stick her Licca head onto her Azone's body I fell in love. I honestly don't know why I hadn't thought of this sooner, because it is absolutely perfect!

So, of course, with all this new excitement over yet another doll I want I have been thinking about her nonstop! I don't know her name yet but I am beginning to plan out a few of her details. I am really hoping that my next little girl will be able to have a real story.

Thank you for reading!!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

My Very Own Custom Lalaloopsy Fairy

A few weeks ago I decided to try customizing my Mini Lalaloopsy, Berry Jars n' Jam. I always thought that she was cute in the show, but the awful colors of her hair and dress kept me from actually enjoying the doll. To be completely honest I only chose to buy her because of the adorable little accessories she came with.

Painting her was a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Painting her tiny little feet proved to be a very tough challenge, since they kept dangling back and forth. Originally I was going to make her an adorable little sweet lolita with a baby pink dress and hair bows.

After I made Saiko's fairy dress I went on a huge fairy kick and decided to make my Lalaloopsy a fairy as well. So I repainted her shirt white but left her skirt pink, since I would be covering it up with fake leaves.

And voila, the final product was born!

I love the way that she came out so much! She is absolutely adorable in every way, even with her flaws. Even Rapunzel likes her!!

Thank you for reading! Let me know how you like my new and improved Berry,

Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Little Bit About Rapunzel

Name: Rapunzel
Nickname: Pun
Age: 6?
Birthday: 10/5
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Gender: Female
Natural hair color : Blonde
Eye Color: Green

Rapunzel is the only daughter born to the King and Queen of a small kingdom in Germany. There was no hiding the fact that Rapunzel's hair was nothing like her parents, who both had dark brown hair. Although as Rapunzel began to talk she would hum a strange song which would cause her hair to glow brightly and heal wounds. However her magical hair also slowed down her aging, so by the time she was four she still looked like a two year old, although she could talk normally. Her hair was also growing at an alarming rate, nearly six inches every week. Her parents did not dare cut it though, because they feared that it would kill the magical properties.

She was always extremely smart for her age and by the time she was biologically six, and looked about four, she realized that she could benefit by looking so young. It was easier to get things that she wanted, as well as get into small spaces. So she began to sing her magical little song more and more throughout the day. Which allowed her to stay in the body of a six year old as she grew. Rapunzel just turned thirteen, yet she still looks like a six year old.

Rapunzel has a very strong personality and is able to manipulate almost anyone into doing what she wants. She is also a bit of a kleptomaniac and enjoys taking little objects that she finds in various places. She also enjoys pranks, which she pulls on almost anyone that she finds suitable. Her pranks are known for being a bit over the top and sometimes even harmful.  Although she comes off a bit selfish and greedy, she is actually a very caring girl. She would never intentionally do something to hurt someone and she hates it when she makes a person sad. When she does something mean, or particularly cruel, she often paints a picture as a present for that person.

There are many things that Rapunzel loves, most importantly dragons and pulling pranks. Besides those, she really loves bugs, flowers, stars, and painting. Especially painting. She can paint almost anything and she enjoys using her tiny fingers instead of a paint brush. She spent one summer charting the entire night sky on the ceiling in her bedroom. Which her parents were not entirely fond of. She could also spend hours reading, one of her favorite books of all time is The Swiss Family Robinson, which she has read probably thirty times.


Because of Rapunzel's sticky fingers she landed herself in a very bad situation, which lead to a group of thugs wanting her head. Which is exactly how she came to live with me. However I will have to leave that story for another time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dumpster Dollies Challenge Tag!

This seems like such a fun idea! It also seems like a good way to get creative, which I have been dying to do for a while now! I really hope that I can do this sometime soon because it seems like a blast!

I have never actually customized a doll before, so this might be a nice little introduction for me. I don't think I will have enough money to buy everything for my project in one day, so I might have to gather materials over a few weeks. Which I know is breaking the rules, but it would all still be secondhand and it would all go towards my dumpster doll.

Hopefully I can do this project soon. Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think of this challenge!

Disney Animators' Collection Rapunzel Review!

By a miraculous and completely unexpected turn of events, I now own Rapunzel from the Disney Animators' Collection!

On Saturday I went over to my dad's house, expecting to be hanging out with my little sisters to help with Halloween decorations. Little did I know that my step-mother and sisters had left town on Friday to go to Disney World for the weekend. Which was a pretty crappy thing to do...since they know I have been dying to go for Halloween, but whatever.

I quickly messaged my step-mom and asked her if she would buy me a Rapunzel doll, which I would later pay her back for. She agreed and even said that I didn't have to worry about paying her back! I was so excited and happy that I could NOT wait until they got home the next day! My step-mom even sent me a picture of my Rapunzel after she had been purchased!

Whenever they got home and I saw Rapunzel I wanted to snatch her out of the packaging as quickly as possible, however I didn't want my sisters to think I was staying the night so I calmly waited until I was home to take her out!

Although I had already taken her out of the box, I decided to take a picture of her inside. The box is really pretty and I love all of the different drawings of Rapunzel on the sides.

When I got Rapunzel out of the box I noticed that her eyes were a little messed up, a bit smudged and the whites of her eyes were a little scratched, too. I fixed them with some acrylic paint and now they look a lot better. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures of her face before I fixed her eyes.

I absolutely love Rapunzel's hair! It is super pretty, soft and soooo long! She came with some rubber bands in her hair, as well as some hairspray or gel. The rubber bands were easy to take out, however I had to wash her hair to get the gel out! Her hair is very easy to brush through and style, unfortunately her scalp can be seen when her hair is pulled in certain directions. Other than that it should not be too hard to give her all kinds of different hairstyles.

Her dress is really well made and totally adorable. The bodice and the lace are really cute and my favorite pieces of the dress. The only detail I don't like about the dress is the glitter, which doesn't really fit with the rest of the dress.

When I removed her dress I was very happy to see that she did not have any staining from the dress on her body. From reviews that I have seen, this seems to be a big problem with these dolls. Thankfully my Rapunzel did not have any stains at all, although the painting on her "underwear" was a bit uneven.

Overall, I am completely in love with Rapunzel and I would definitely recommend her to anybody that wants a Disney princess doll. She is well-made, cute, and a very unique doll.

I have also posted some videos on my YouTube in case you would like to watch those as well.

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think of Rapunzel!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Disney Animators' Collection Dolls

I am absolutely in love with these dolls! They are so precious and they capture the young Disney princesses perfectly! Their outfits are so cute, even though some of them just look like tinier versions of their original outfits.

Rapunzel is my favorite from the collection, as you might already know from my Christmas list. Whenever the movie Tangled was released, Rapunzel replaced Ariel as my favorite princess. This doll portrays toddler Rapunzel so perfectly! Her little bare feet and her expression are so adorable!

Of course I have Ariel on my list of favorites, as well! I love her bright red hair and her super cute eyes. Her tail is probably my favorite thing about her, plus the fact that it can be removed. Everything about her is just absolutely adorable!

I would also really like to get Pocahontas and Mulan one day! My least favorites are all of the dolls from the Frozen release, as well as Cinderella and Aurora.

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think of these dolls, do you love them or hate them?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Review of MiWorld Accessory Set

A couple weeks ago I purchased one of the mini packages for the MiWorld play sets. The little accessory sets are really cheap, only about $3. The set that I bought goes with the Mrs. Fields store, which I am guessing is a bakery.

The pack that I bought included two little drinks, a super cute cookie cake, and a box that you have to fold yourself. There are even some decals for the cups, which unfortunately do not stick very well. I will definitely have to glue them down to keep them from peeling up. I was a bit disappointed to see that the paint on the cookie cake was very poor and uneven. I can't pout too much because this did only cost me $3.

These miniatures actually fit my dolls surprisingly well. The cups and the cookie cake fit perfectly with Edmond and Eglantine and don't look too big or too little. As for Saiko, the cookie cake is a little bit too small, but the drinks fit her nicely.

Thank you for reading! If you'd like to watch, I also filmed a video for my YouTube!

Friday, September 19, 2014

My 2014 Christmas List!

I know it is a little early to be thinking about Christmas, but I like to give my parents time to get my presents! I have noticed that waiting until the last minute to ask give them your list is never a good idea!

This year my list is surprisingly small, usually they are at least four to five pages. However this year it is only three pages! My list consists mainly of doll items, oops! I do have some Sylvanian Families and clothes on the list also.

My Favorite Items From Greatest Desire To Least:

1. Middie Blythe Oski - $90

2. Kuma-bolo Doll - $40

3. Disney Animator's Doll Ariel or Rapunzel - $25-ish

4. Calico Critters/Sylvanian Families Cozy Cottage - $50

I really really hope that I am able to get some of these for Christmas! I especially want the Middie Blythe doll, as soon as I saw her I fell in love!!

Thank you for reading! Let me know what you hope to get for Christmas!!

Doll Culture Exhibition by Sebastian Masuda

All of the dolls styled by Sebastian Masuda, of 6%Dokidoki, were so incredibly adorable!! In case you haven't heard about it, he opened a "Doll Culture Exhibition" in Tokyo featuring some of the most popular dolls in Japan. He specially designed the styles for each of the dolls and the doll company's are even offering outfits and accessories, as well as limited edition dolls.

The exhibition opened September 13th and is ending on October 19th. If I could fly to Japan I definitely would! This doll show sounds so amazing, as well as adorable!!

My favorite doll that he styled is the Blythe doll, however I also love the Barbie that he styled!

I found all my information from here and here.

*These pictures were not taken by me.