Sunday, March 22, 2015

WennieBJD's Contest

A few days ago I saw that WennieBJD was holding a contest/giveaway for reaching 1,000 YouTube subscribers. The first place prize would be an absolutely adorable B&G Hera ball-jointed doll. In order to win the doll you would have to create a story for her, and whichever story Wennie likes best will be the winner.

As soon as I saw the doll I fell in love and quickly got to work creating a character for her. It took me a few days but when I was finally happy with the character I uploaded my entry,

The character I created is Gelsey. I am absolutely in love with this girl and she is so interesting to me. Here is what I know about her so far.

Gelsey, Princess of the Netherlands

My name is Gelsey, however most people call me Posy, which is the nickname my father gave me when I was young. He told me that I would always be his sweet and delicate little flower. I suppose he was right about my stature, although he had no idea who his little Posy really was.

As a family tradition, each child is given a special gemstone. They are dressed in garments which match this color until they are old enough to be able to make a decision on their attire. My gemstone is the blood red ruby. I still enjoy being dressed in this dark and deadly color as it looks lovely with my pale skin and dark brown hair.

Although my expression naturally resembles that of a lost and frightened little dear, I am not nearly as weak and pathetic as I seem. I can get almost everyone in the castle to do as please, all it takes is a little persuasion and maybe a few threats or even blackmail.

My small size and quiet footsteps aid me greatly in sneaking around the castle and listening in on very private matters. I once saved my father's life when I overheard one of the guests conspiring to kill him one evening. It is moments like these that have rocketed me to the position of the most caring, heroic, and kindhearted princess in our half of the world. Little do they know.

Since my kingdom is at war with vampires of France, a marriage has been arranged between Prince Marius and myself. Our wedding is meant to bring peace between the vampires and humans of our regions.

At first I was terrified when I learned the news that I would be marrying a vampire, however after regaining my composure I realized that I could use it to my advantage. If I were to become immortal, I could kill off my future husband and his family one by one, until I was the only option left to rule the kingdom. My mind began to race with so many wonderful ideas and I could not wait to be married.

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