Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Re-Ment: High School Memories And Bumble's New Outfit

This is a Re-Ment set that I had been thinking about and looking at for a while but one day I couldn't help but order it. I am so glad I did.

There are so many interesting pieces and all my dolls can take something away from this set. Which is sometimes hard to do.

I really loved the box, it was so cute and colorful!
So many boxes!
Although the scale of some of the items is weird and they don't all fit. All of the items I was really excited about work perfectly. The desk and the little locker fit my Petite Blythe doll perfectly, but when paired with the little bag, it looks ridiculous.

I am just glad that I will be able to use most of the items and pieces. I even might cut out the little paper props on the cards.

Here are a few pictures of some of the little pieces. Of course Clover snatched the little microscope and Saiko took the cellphone and the other more modern accessories.

Clover now has almost everything she might need to research potion ingredients.

"Can I help you?"

"Let's take a picture together, Luc!"
As for Bumble's new Azone brand outfit...I love it! It looks so perfect on her and she looks so adorable.

I have completely fallen in love with Bumble. I love her super cute little body and now I adore her outfit, too.

Her shoes are also incredible. They fit her perfectly, but they look a little bit big. Because of this I accidentally created a little story for her shoes.

"Bumble always get in trouble for wearing her shoes like this at school. But the truth is they were her dad's when he was younger. She can't help that they are a little big and the laces are a little too long."

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